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Freesoft Interactive


FI, Our limit is your imagination.

Surfer surfing in the ocean Desk top with book, coffee, laptop keyboard and headphones

Web and Intranet

Having a very good understanding, to say the least, of the most used languages on the net (HTML5, CSS3, Java, Javascript and SQL), FI requires nothing more than a simple text editor to complete an entire web app/network app. Where others limit themselves to the functionalities provided in pre-made templates or content management systems (CMS) FI is limited to your imagination.
FI have done in the past online order applications, medical consultation management systems and even investment management systems, just to name a few.

Desktop and Mobile

Here you are also spoiled for choice! Not limiting to what is already conceived out there, just about anything can be done using Microsoft Visual Studio for the development in C# and Visual Basics applications for Windows, Xcode in Swift for MacOS and IOS, Android Studio in Java for Android phones. Finally to top it off FI is also comfortable using the renowned Unity to develop 2D and 3D games for all platforms.

Black and white old phone Clock work gears

SMS Applications

Despite its announced faze out many years ago, the good old SMS is still around and vastly used. FI is the source of the first primary/high school SMS exam result system that is based on the Ozeki messaging server, an SQL server in combination with a Microsoft IIS/ASP for the processing of a couple thousand SMS requests per hour. FI, in partnership with MTN Eswatini, is also responsible for the first and longest lasting SMS news relay system in the Kingdom. Both of these were developed in the early 2000s.
SMS applications can be either 1 or 2 way, the 1 way is pretty straight forward but the 2 way requires special communication infrastructures.


Controlling each and every line of code in all the various development environments has its advantages, FI can combine the applications mentioned previously for a cohesive usage. For example, a web app, a desktop app and a mobile app could all be updated using 1 interface creating less work for the user. Another example would be to have a web app that sends out Emails, SMS, or notifications to the corresponding mobile app.
Demonstrating the French saying "a la carte" in it's logical sense meaning you can pick and choose at liberty.